Watch our Video Series:

Heart-centered Formula for Specialty Success

What is a


Growth Strategy?

Think of it as the anti-sleaze method to find & connect authentically with your best-fit patients. This video series is the first step to:

⭐ Growing your cash-pay specialty at the highest rate while avoiding “pushy” sales tactics, expensive ads, or constant social media stress

⭐ Cutting through the blah blah and making your message stick.

⭐ Powering up your patient education and inspiring fierce brand loyalty

Hey Optometrists,

Jumping into your niche was all about those lightbulb moments 🌟 - when patients just get why your treatments and services are game-changers.

You dream of a schedule packed with patients who nod along, invested and eager. 

But, let's be real: when your marketing strategy feels more like tossing darts blindfolded, you deserve a better plan. And it turns out we just need a dose of humanity and heart. But how exactly?

In this video series, learn how to infuse your personal and practice brand into a sound strategy, and how to set it up so it runs automatically, like an unsung hero in the background enhancing your practice.